And each word has the power to captivate the precise soul aligned clients who are excited to pay a premium price to work with you.

In the world of online marketing, we are taught to create content.

There are countless formulas and structures to follow.

But as we ascend from the 3D way of life & doing business to the 5D, following formulas won’t work any more.

Your frequency and vibration are what matter, not just the words you write.

Instead following formulas, channeled writing and content creation are the way of the future. 🔮

Your words hold an energetic frequency and vibration that your soul aligned clients can feel deeply inside of their heart, whether they are conscious of this or not.

When you channel your words from your soul, you effortlessly create content in deep RESONANCE with the souls of your clients. 🌈

And when their soul feels this, that is when they are inspired to take action to work with you.

The POTENCY of your words + the power of your PRESENCE heightens, which automatically magnetizes your soul aligned clients to you.

The old model of convincing or persuading people to work with you is dead.

The new model of connecting on a soul level with your audience is how you attract the precise clients you are here to serve to you. 

Because your channel content touches somewhere deep inside your audience's soul and instantly establishes trust with them. 

They feel like you are talking directly to them and ONLY them.

Making them feel like you deeply understand EXACTLY what they need and what they've been yearning for.

This feeling IS the key that inspires your soul aligned clients to say YES to working with you NOW.

During the 5 hour Workshop, you'll learn how to...

Amplify your MISSION by powerfully aligning the energy and frequency of your MESSAGE to the mission you are divinely here to fulfill

Unlock your VOICE and SOUL'S EXPRESSION to create channeled coded content that speaks directly to the heart and soul of your soul aligned clients 

Deeply EMBODY the highest version of yourself...the version of you that commands ATTENTION in your photos by activating your inner RADIANCE & CONFIDENCE 

Create 5D marketing and content that connects and calls in your soul aligned clients who pay premium prices

Activate your inner PLEASURE to create more abundance in your life and business

Freely and uninhibitedly EXPRESS yourself without the fear of judgment and in a way that builds genuine connection and mesmerizes your audience

This workshop blends STRATEGY & ENERGY and is perfect for you if...

 You know you have a divine purpose and mission in the world and are ready to activate your soul’s mission in a big way + live a life of true meaning and abundance.

 You are a conscious leader, coach healer, energy worker, consultant, speaker who has a premium priced offer and desires to make an even greater impact by attracting more soul aligned clients.

 You feel you haven't reached your potential and there's more for you but for some reason your content isn't resonating or calling in the right soul aligned clients to you.

 You feel stuck with writing content - always worried about "right thing to say" - but deeply feel something is missing & your soul is longing to connect + be expressed in a bigger & more authentic way.

Does this work?

Channeling Coded Content that Captivates my Clients is how I've booked over $158k in business this last year through my content (not including sales from other marketing avenues).

And I've had clients...

Double & Triple their income while doing less "work" in their business

Go from $0-$18k in sales after aligning to her mission and message

Land high paying dream clients with ease

Launch her paid speaking career (earning $4-6k per speaking engagement), making $40k in her first year doing speaking engagements

...all through this process.

That's because...

When you BECOME the highest version of yourself, you automatically become captivating & attract the soul aligned clients who are ready to work with you NOW!


4 Module Trainings

1 Coded Activation

1 Timeline Energy Healing

This 5 hour workshop took place virtually via Zoom and is designed to give you actionable steps you can implement in your business right away!

During the workshop, I taught various concepts, provided exercises to work on both in the workshop and afterwards, and guided powerful activations and energy healings to release blocks holding you back.

Session 1: 3D vs. 5D Marketing + Activate Your Mission

Session 2: Soul Signature Frequency

Session 3: Coded Content + Pleasure Principle

Session 4: Activating Self Expression To Be Seen

The investment for Captivate Clients Workshop is...


You'll receive LIFETIME access to the recordings.

NOTE:  This workshop does not include any 1:1 coaching .

"I had a download one day that there was a more efficient way to write content. Then boom I read a post from Minling that activated every cell of my being. I knew right away that she was answering my message and that I needed to start working with her. And so I did.

I had so many blocks and beliefs around my ability to write any type of content for my brand. I had worked with countless people to try and improve this area but nothing clicked or changed until I started working with Minling.

After attending her Captivate Clients Workshop the flood gates have opened, the downloads are pouring in anddddddd I'm actually writing freely from my "essences". You can feel the release on a cellular level and its feels amazing!!!! Thank you Minling."

- Alexandra Laws

Human Potential Coach

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