Abundance is your birthright!

And it's time for you to claim it!

Step into THE VORTEX.

A place of unlimited potential.

Where you meet your higher self.

Where you know the true meaning of abundance.

Where you receive your manifestations with ease.

The Vortex is an EXPANSIVE Membership Portal.

AND was created for you to...

 Deepen your relationship with your higher self

Conjure powerful intentions (spells)

Practice potent manifestation rituals

Recalibrate your energetic frequencies

...So that you align with your divine abundance & prosperity.

Every month, we will gather inside of this sacred vortex to bring your manifestations to life.

You will learn to MASTER your vibration, be the CREATRIX of your life, and call forth what you desire with ease and grace.

All of this will take place inside a curated community vortex to heighten the power of your intentions and amplify your energetic frequencies so you become a magnetic in your life.

Each monthly transmission is designed to calibrate your energy to the energetic state of abundance and prosperity. The Vortex is a safe space you can return to when you'd like to recalibrate your frequency and energy any time you start to feel like you are out of alignment.

After all, you are the creator of your reality and The Vortex will help you to anchor this belief and knowing of your powerful creatrix energy + ingrain it even more deeply into your energetic blueprint.

The Vortex is a PORTAL!

Once you enter, you won't be the same.

Inside of The Vortex, we are clearing your limiting beliefs, stories, past programming, and trauma so you fully REMEMBER your own POWER & become who you are meant to be!

There is no fluff.

These transmissions and activations are potent AF.

And I'll be guiding you to learn how to harness your own energy to transform your life.

After all, everything is ENERGY.

When you learn how to master it, you can conjure anything you desire with grace and ease.

Because you'll learn how to EMBODY the version of you who KNOWS you can have it all.

And when you embody this frequency, the universe has no choice but to give it to you.

This is the secret.

And staying in this vibration and frequency is what joining The Vortex will help you anchor into your body.

Once you learn how to master your energy and hold your desires in your energetic field, you'll start to receive all the miracles life has to offer.

What You Receive By Joining The Vortex:

 One Monthly Coded Group Transmission

Each LIVE Monthly call will include a coded transmission of the key energetic focus of the month.

Plus an Energy Healing, Clearing, and / or Activation to support you to anchor the transmission.

 Monthly Ritual Play Practice

The ritual play practice will help you to anchor and embody the new frequencies. Each ritual is unique to the month and will powerful encode your energetic field and help you magnetize your desires.

 One Monthly Group Q&A

A LIVE Monthly Group Q&A will be available to support you as you practice your rituals and integrate of the coded transmission for the month.

 4 Week Initiation (Jan 2023)

The exclusive 4 week initiation will take place LIVE in Jan 2023 and will cover the 4 Codes Of Expansion to activate your ability to quantum leap realities.

 Access To Select Workshops (starting in 2023)

Throughout the year, there will be paid workshops that members of The Vortex will get access to for free!

 Exclusive Trainings From Healers & Experts (starting Feb 2023)

Once a month, you'll receive an exclusive training from guest healers and experts. 

Some of the trainings will include Lucid Dreaming, Spell Casting, Feminine Embodiment, Womb Healing, Expanding Creativity and more.

By joining The Vortex & paying annually, you'll also receive these two bonuses:

Bonus One:

Abundance Calibration

You'll receive the 3 part series to recalibrate you to your highest timeline of abundance. You'll have these recordings for life and you can re-watch these anytime.
(Value: $111)

Bonus Two:

One Private 30 Min Energy Healing With Minling

You'll receive a private energy healing session that is customized to help you shift one specific block or help you reprogram an old belief no longer serving you. This is a potent bespoke energy healing session to help you powerfully clear a block and for you to step into your power.
(Value: $555)

What You Receive By Joining The Vortex:

 One Monthly Coded Group Transmission

Each LIVE Monthly call will include a coded transmission of the key energetic focus of the month.

Plus an Energy Healing, Clearing, and / or Activation to support you to anchor the transmission.

 Monthly Ritual Play Practice

The ritual play practice will help you to anchor and embody the new frequencies. Each ritual is unique to the month and will powerful encode your energetic field and help you magnetize your desires.

 One Monthly Group Q&A

A LIVE Monthly Group Q&A will be available to support you as you practice your rituals and integrate of the coded transmission for the month.

 4 Week Codes Of Expansion Initiation

The 4 week initiation took place LIVE in Jan 2023 and will cover the 4 Codes Of Expansion to activate your ability to quantum leap realities.

 Access To Select Workshops (starting in 2023)

Throughout the year, there will be paid workshops that members of The Vortex will get access to for free!

 Exclusive Trainings From Healers & Experts (starting Feb 2023)

Once a month, you'll receive an exclusive training from guest healers and experts. 

Some of the trainings will include Lucid Dreaming, Spell Casting, Feminine Embodiment, Womb Healing, Expanding Creativity and more.

By joining The Vortex & paying annually, you'll also receive these two bonuses:

Bonus One:

Abundance Calibration

You'll receive the 3 part series to recalibrate you to your highest timeline of abundance. You'll have these recordings for life and you can re-watch these anytime.

(Value: $111)

Bonus Two:

One Private 30 Min Energy Healing With Minling

You'll receive a private energy healing session that is customized to help you shift one specific block or help you reprogram an old belief no longer serving you. This is a potent bespoke energy healing session to help you powerfully clear a block and for you to step into your power.

(Value: $555)


Everything is ENERGY.

The Vortex is an ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP and based on a monetary energy exchange.

There are two options to choose from.

You can pay in full or split your payments.*

Choose what feels most in alignment to you.



If you pay the annual payment, you'll receive the 2 bonuses for free.

If you choose the monthly split payments, you are agreeing to pay for the entire annual membership (for the entire 12 months) at the monthly price**.

*You will be automatically charged monthly or annually depending on which option you choose. There are no refunds for your subscription and all cancellations need to be submitted at least 5 days prior to the annual membership renewal date

** Please note: When joining The Vortex Membership you are committing to a full year in this sacred space and receive deeply discounted access to select masterclasses and workshops through your investment in The Vortex Membership. If you choose to leave for any reason prior to completing the year commitment, you will be required to pay the face value of the masterclasses and workshops you received access to since you are no longer choosing to be in The Vortex Membership and will forfeit the bundled prices.

The Vortex Schedule

Monthly Coded Transmission is hosted the 1st Wednesday of the Month.

Monthly Guest Expert Training is hosted the 2nd Wednesday of the Month.

Monthly Group Q&A / Coaching is hosted the 3rd Wednesday of the Month.

All calls will be at 2pm Pacific unless otherwise notified.

Monthly Coded Transmission is hosted the 1st Wednesday of the Month.

Monthly Guest Expert Training is hosted the 2nd Wednesday of the Month.

Monthly Group Q&A / Coaching is hosted the 3rd Wednesday of the Month.

All the calls will be at 2pm Pacific unless otherwise notified.

Have questions? DM Minling on Instagram or Facebook


You believe the power of energy and mindset to shift your realities and are 100% ready to quantum leap to your next level.

You are willing to do the inner work necessary for your transformation and will show up for yourself.

You are ready to fully MASTER your energy and make an even bigger impact while you expand into your highest, most abundant version of yourself.

You are an ACTION TAKER and ready to implement and integrate what you learn. Your results depend on you taking inspired action.


You believe that energy, quantum healing, mindset is just hocus pocus & you don't believe you can change your reality. 

You are not willing to do the inner work necessary for transformation to happen.

You are afraid of investing in yourself and when you do, you expect immediate results, are impatient, and have an energy of scarcity and neediness.

You have no intention to fully implement or integrate any of the rituals or practices given each month.

Client Testimonial

Bridget was feeling stagnant in her career and in her life, unsure about her next steps.

After joining The Vortex and receiving the activations & implementing the ritual play practices, her whole life began to shift.

Bridget's career took off and her new business venture began to bloom. And she was able to strengthen her relationship with her loved ones.


Q: Who Is This For?

This is for anyone who is ready deepen their connection with the divine, higher self and shift from their limiting beliefs, old patterns / programming / stories, and anchor the frequencies of abundance & prosperity into their field. 

Q: What Kind Of Energetic Activations / Healings Do You Do?

I've been trained and certified in a number of healing modalities including Quantum Healing, Quantum Magic, Sacred Soul Alignments, Psych-K. In addition, I channel the healings and activations based on intuitive guidance with the help of various Angels, and Galactic Councils of Light.

Q: What Are The Ritual Play Practices?

The Ritual Play Practices are specific practices to help you embody and encode the coded transmission of the month. These are rituals you can practice on your own throughout the month to help you anchor the new version of you. It is not required, but it is highly recommended that you commit to doing the ritual play practices.

Q: Do I Need Prior Experience With Energy Healing?

No, you don't need any experience with Energy Healing prior to joining The Vortex. You'll be fully supported and guided through the process. Come with an open mind and heart and be ready to receive the powerful codexes.

Q: Will I Receive Any Personalized Support?

Each month, you'll have an opportunity to ask questions during the Group Q&A / Coaching calls where you'll be able to ask specific questions. If you join the annual subscription, you will also receive ONE 30 minute bespoke energy healing session with Minling. 

Q: When Do I Receive Access To The Transmissions & Bonuses?

The monthly transmissions & Q&A replays will be posted within 24 hours of the live call. If you join the yearly subscription, you'll receive immediate access to the Abundance Calibration, 3 part series.

Q: Do I Receive Lifetime Access To The Recordings?

You'll receive access to the recordings for each month you are part of The Vortex. Because this is an annual membership, you'll only have access to the recordings when your membership is active. If you cancel your membership, you will not have access to any of the recordings (previous and future recordings) once you cancel or your membership ends.

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