Private 1:1 Coaching For Conscious Leaders Who Are Ready To Step Into Their Full Potential & Receive It All!




You can’t quite put your finger on exactly what it is.

But you feel this next level expansion brimming inside.

Deep within your heart.


Emerging in your energetic field.

And you KNOW something bigger is ready to come your way.

You can feel your mission and purpose waiting to be expressed.

Your soul is ready.

Yet, there’s a part of you that is holding yourself back.

From fully stepping in to claiming your mission and ALL of your desires.

The Time Is Now To Claim It All!

Everything You Desire Is Yours In The Quantum! All You Need To Do Is Say YES To Receive It!

The Time Is Now To Claim It All!

Everything You Desire Is Yours In The Quantum!
All You Need To Do Is Say YES To Receive It!

You have a deep desire to build your business.

And create a brand that transforms people’s lives.

But the problem is no one knows about you yet.

That was me a few years ago when I first started my business.

The Time Is Now To Claim It All!

Everything You Desire Is Yours In The Quantum!
All You Need To Do Is Say YES To Receive It!



For my first few years in my business I felt lost and confused on what to do and how to get my first paying clients.

I took program after program and course after course searching for the answer.

Things finally clicked for me when I had the CLARITY on what my true brilliance was and figured out how to create HIGH CONVERTING CONTENT for my soul tribe.

Following this method, I was able to land my first clients and even generated $14K in sale a few months later.

And I haven’t looked back since.

Since then, I have helped my clients land their first clients and generate more sales in their business than ever before by building a brand that people fall in love with.

I have also created two other companies, generating close to $100K worth of sales in a few short months of launching.

"Minling is amazing at helping you define your brand message."

Once I defined my message and what my business is all about, it boosted my confidence and improved my mindset. I signed on 7 clients in a month which never happened to me before. I attribute this to the rebranding of my business which Minling helped me do. I highly recommend working with Minling to any entrepreneur who fees "stuck".

Brooke Strauss-Dobi

The biggest problems I see entrepreneurs make is…

Not having clarity around their brilliance and how their brilliance transforms their clients lives.

Before I figured out what I was really good at, I spent time “dabbling” in my business by blogging, creating videos, and posting inspirational posts on social media.

Even though I had years of experience doing branding for large brands such as Lean Cuisine, Nestle Toll House, and Toyota, and launched a $54 million product that won Product of the Year for Lean Cuisine, I ran away from my brilliance, which was branding.

I thought branding was super easy to do because it came so naturally to me.

And to be honest, I was burnt out from doing corporate branding that I really wanted to just wanted to teach yoga and post inspirational posts.

So I started an inspirational blog for a few years before realizing that branding was my true gift.

Many people think that branding is the website, logos, and graphics.

But this isn’t truly what branding is.


To create a brand that people fall in love with and want to buy from, you must understand your brilliance, craft your unique differentiating message, and position your expertise in the market so that your soul clients fall in love with you and want to buy from you over and over again.

This is what new entrepreneurs miss all the time.

Jumping too quickly into creating a website and logo getting crystal clear in their brand message and positioning.

And then they wonder why they aren’t making any sales or generating a list of loyal followers.

Sound familiar?

The Time Is Now To Claim It All!

Everything You Desire Is Yours In The Quantum!
All You Need To Do Is Say YES To Receive It!


Feeling a little lost with your brand…

Not sure where to start to grow your following and your list…

Here to change lives, but not sure how to turn your soul tribe into buyers…

Not making the money you desire…


Amplify Your Brand Bundle

Was designed to help you amplify your reach and impact so you make more money and grow a list full of your soul tribe who LOVE your brand!

The Amplify Your Brand Bundle combines the practical business and branding strategies I’ve used since the beginning of my business to grow my businesses to over 6 figures with the mindset and manifestation work that I’ve been studying for almost 10 years.

Why included mindset and manifestation?

After spending the last few years working closely with my clients 1:1 and in my group programs, I have seen first hand how critical mindset and manifestation is to building a successful brand.

It takes more than just having the right strategy.

Because if you don’t subconsciously believe you’ll succeed with your business, then that’s what will manifest in your life – an unsuccessful business. And we don’t want that to happen to you!

Every person has deep patterns and beliefs being carried around unconsciously and the mindset and manifestation activations will help you clear some of your blocks and beliefs around being able to receive more clients and more abundance in your life.

Mindset & Manifestation

Leveraging The Power Of Your Mind Training

{$197 Value}

You are more powerful than you may think!

Success is not determined just by how hard you work or the strategies you follow, but what you think and believe.

Our beliefs dictate how we view ourselves and what we allow ourselves to receive in terms of clients and money.

I have seen people who have everything they need to succeed (the expertise, the strategy, the drive), but they lacked belief. And with the lack of belief came self doubt and self sabotage. They weren’t able to capitalize on the opportunities.

I don’t want this to happen to you.

That’s why I’m including this brand new training for you around Leveraging The Power Of Your Mind to help you remove the self doubt, the fears, the feelings of unworthiness so you can step up, claim your brilliance, and powerfully be seen by your soul mate tribe.

I’ve been studying personal development, energy work, mindset work for over 10 years and have incorporated much of what I’ve learned and implemented in my own life into this training.

Crystal Clarity

Niche That Loves You Training

{$197 Value}

The riches in your niche!

Understanding your niche is critical for your success. By getting into the hearts and minds of your soul mate clients, you’ll know exactly what they need and what they will want to buy.

But most entrepreneurs hate niching down, believing that everyone needs their products and services.

The problem with this philosophy is that if you try to talk to everyone, you are actually not speaking to anyone.

People buy when they see themselves in your message – when they know in their hearts and minds they need you.

And the only way to speak to the hearts and minds of your soul mate clients is by going deep into their psychographics.

This training walks you through what you actually need to know about your soul mate clients to turn them into raving fans and buyers.

I’ve incorporated my 10+ years of experience in branding working with multibillion dollar companies and brands into the Niche That Loves You Training so you receive first hand knowledge on how to niche the right way.

The training was part of another program for my soul tribe and I have included it in this bundle just for you.

Show Off Your Value Training

{$197 Value}

You only have value IF other people see your value.

It’s great you have a service that helps transform lives, but if people don’t understand what you do and how it helps them, they won’t buy.

In this training, I walk you through the 3 things you must address in order for your soul mate clients to see your value. And you’ll also learn how to disrupt the market and position you as the ONLY solution for your soul mate clients.

The training was part of another program for my soul tribe and I have included it in this bundle just for you.

High Converting Content

Flash List Course

{$197 Value}

Grow Your List In A Flash!

The money is in your list. Only if you have a list and a list full of your soul tribe (aka your ideal clients).

Flash list is designed to help you grow your list in a flash by implementing some simple strategies to create the right opt ins your soul tribe wants and signs up for.

I also show you exactly how I built my list in the beginning of my journey (from 0-800). This training was part of my 5 day challenge for my soul tribe and each day’s training is below.

This was the first challenge I ran where I offered a service afterwards. And after this challenge was done, I banked $7K in sales immediately (and made another $7K shortly after). My sales were all from people who were a part of this challenge.

You’ll receive the following 5 videos and 5 worksheets from this training.

DAY 1: How to position your brand for success

DAY 2: The secret behind finding your niche and knowing exactly what they want

DAY 3: How to create your killer opt in that everyone wants

DAY 4: The steps to build landing pages that convert (BIG TIME)! (I’m spilling the secrets how I craft landing pages that convert 50-60% of the time — hint, industry standards are only 20%)

DAY 5: Magnetic marketing that attracts high quality leads to your opt in (including the one FB post that got me 230 opt ins in a week with no FB ads).

Red Hot Freebies Course

{$197 Value}

Create no brainer freebies to attract fans who are ready to buy from you now!

Building a list requires you to have one hot freebie to offer your soul tribe.

But how do you figure out what to give and how to create it?

Red Hot Freebies walks you through the ins and outs of creating a freebie your soul tribe actual wants and can’t wait to sign up for.

My freebies constantly generate hundreds of new leads coming in.

This training was part of my 5 day challenge for my soul tribe and each day’s training is below.

You’ll receive the following 5 videos and 5 worksheets from this training.

DAY 1: The EXACT process I use to develop a red hot freebie everyone wants including an inside look to most popular freebie, which has been downloaded over 1,300 times.

DAY 2: The secret behind finding your niche and knowing exactly what they want

DAY 3: How to create your killer opt in that everyone wants

DAY 4: The steps to build landing pages that convert (BIG TIME)! (I’m spilling the secrets how I craft landing pages that convert 50-60% of the time — hint, industry standards are only 20%)

DAY 5: Magnetic marketing that attracts high quality leads to your opt in (including the one FB post that got me 230 opt ins in a week with no FB ads).

Landing Pages That Converts Training

{$197 Value}

Learn the EXACT method I use to create landing pages that convert above industry average (50-60%) in less than 1 hour (and without needing to hire a graphic designer).

You’ll get a sneak peak of how I structure each landing page have the highest chance for converting cold traffic into new leads on my list.

I’ll also be going over the tools I use to create my own graphics that is on brand without needing to know anything about photoshop.

Rock Out Your Challenge Training

{$197 Value}

Learn the what a group challenge is and the basics about how to create a successful group challenge that turns your audiences into buyers.

Hosting a group challenge is one of the best ways to build trust quickly with your audience. It helps showcase who you are and how you can help your client. Challenges instantly positions you as an expert in the industry.

Rock Out Your Challenge is a 30 minute training that I created for my soul tribe.

Money Maker Challenge Course

{$197 Value}

Turn your challenges into profits!

Now that you know group challenges are an easy way to build trust and position you as an expert, how do you turn group challenges into sales?

Money Maker Challenges shows you the exact steps I took to leverage challenges in my business and quickly turn my leads into sales.

Running group challenges in the beginning of my business was a great way to generate instant cash. In fact, after completing my group challenges, I have made anywhere from $14k – $18k in sales after my group challenges.

This training was part of my 5 day challenge for my soul tribe and each day’s training is below.

You’ll receive 5 videos and 5 worksheets from this training.

DAY 1: Getting crystal clear on your challenge goals. Clarity is key!

DAY 2: Identifying the right challenge to create (one your clients actually want).

DAY 3: 3 secrets to keep your challengers engaged and wanting more.

DAY 4: How to structure your invitations so your ideal clients to take action right away.

DAY 5: Rocking email sequence to build relationships and help you close the deal.

Challenges have also helped my clients generate income. Laura launched her first challenge and booked 7 sales at $8k each right after. That’s an extra $56k in revenue!

"I signed on 7 clients & made $56k."

I just signed on 7 clients from the 5 day challenge I did two weeks ago. The challenge is what sold them working with me.

The thing I am doing, which Minling showed me how to do, is I'm speaking very "brand authentic". I'm not even TRYING to be the brand anymore. I just am the brand. Minling helped me flip the switch to see what is brand aligned and I'm just sticking to that. Branding is the underlying thread that creates the magic that makes everything else work.

Laura Wright

What You Receive Inside Of Amplify Your Brand:

3 Courses and 5 Trainings

I’ve created over the years. You’ll receive access to 20 training videos including 2 brand new training videos, never released before.

These courses and trainings were created live for my online audience and you can only access them here. The beauty about these courses and trainings is that they are very simple to follow and you can implement them right away!

15 Guided Workbooks

These workbooks guide you through each step I took in the beginning stages of my business to grow my list and book new clients with ease.

Bonus One:


{$97 Value}

Not sure how to get your first paying clients?

This training I walk you through the exact steps I took at the beginning of my business to book 8 new clients in 1 month without paid advertising.

I was able to leverage my 3 step branding formula to attract, nurture, and convert new leads into sales. It’s a simple, but highly effective strategy that I’ve used throughout my business.

I’ve also included a bonus worksheet walking you through the 3 step branding formula.

The training was part of a special training I created for my online audience.

Bonus Two:


{$197 Value}

I interviewed 20 six and seven figure entrepreneurs on the strategies they used to rapidly grow their businesses.

This includes interviews with:

Jenn Scalia: Harness Your Millionaire Mindset

Kylie Slavik: The Power Of Story To Inspire & Sell

Jessica Riverson: Evergreen Webinars: The 3 Step Formula To Go From 6 Figures To Multiple 6 Figures in 6 Months

Amber Aziza: Speak To Grow Your Brand

Emily Hirsh: Facebook Ad Strategies To Magnetize More Fans & Clients

Ingrid Arna: How To Sell With Soul And Ramp Up Your Revenue

And much more…

There’s so much gold and wisdom in each interview and you get lifetime access to these trainings. But this bonus is only available for a limited time.


Learn how to consistently attract your soul mate clients to you (instead of chasing them).

Simplify the process of creating raving fans who LOVE you and turn them into buyers who can’t wait to purchase your product and services.

Tap into your power and brilliance and start manifesting what you desire.

Clear your limiting beliefs once and for all and radically shift your mindset.

Become more confident in your message, your value, your offer and position yourself as the ONLY solution for your soul mate clients.


In Amplify Your Brand Bundle, you receive 3 courses, 5 trainings, 1 bonus training including 20 video trainings and 15 worksheets to amplify your reach and impact so you make more money and grow a list full of your soul tribe who LOVE your brand!

All the courses and trainings within the Amplify Your Brand Bundle is valued at:


Get Instant Access TODAY For:


Sign up below and receive immediate access (and unlimited replays) to the courses, trainings, and bonus!

Here’s what some our students have said about the courses and trainings:

Sign up below for only one payment of $222 and get instant access to the courses and trainings.

Note: This program does not include any 1:1 coaching or group Q&As. This is a self study program.

DIVINITY is more than coaching.It's a whole energetic recalibration of YOU.To recode & realign you to your true ESSENCE & SELF.

Inside of Divinity, we'll work together inside the quantum to...

Collapse Timelines And Anchor You To Your Highest Potential

Open New Timelines Of Success And Align Your Energy To Receive

Uncover The Root Cause Blocking You From Your Success

Heal & Release Past Traumas Stuck In Your Field

Recode Your Old Programming & Stories

 Shed Your Limiting Beliefs

When you remove the blocks holding you back, you become LIMITLESS.

And from this space, you are able to manifest anything you desire with ease!



Director of Regional Marketing for Airbnb + Breakthrough Coach & Speaker

"There was a before Minling & after Minling"

How Tatiana 4x her corporate income, launched her paid corporate speaking career, sold out her group programs, and landed her first premium coaching client all in less than 2 years.


Tatiana was a successful corporate marketing director at a well known Fortune 100 company making a healthy 6 figure income.

She was on an upward trajectory at the company.

But she was feeling like something was missing in her life.

She felt a deep desire to make an even greater impact, but didn’t know how or what that looked like.

All she knew was that she was drawn to go deeper into her mindfulness practice and was growing tired of hustling all the time to climb the corporate ladder.


Clearing her past beliefs + ancestral programming scarcity to call in more abundance into her life

Shifting her energetic field from the 3D programming of control to allow for more playful flow to enter her field

Activating her voice to speak her truth and align with her true essence and being (no longer having try to fit in or be someone she wasn't in order to succeed)

Releasing the need and programing around hustling to reach her desired income goals

Strengthening her inner knowing and her trust around the guidance from her higher self

Finding her passion and mission - one that allows her to transform other corporate women's lives


4x her corporate income (to high multiple 6 figures) when she landed her dream job at Airbnb with ease. They even created a new position for her. And a few short months after starting, she was promoted further increasing her impact and income.

Launched her paid corporate speaking career with clients paying $5-10k per speech, booking multiple speeches per year, creating an extra $40k+ in income in her first year of speaking.

 Sold out her group programs multiple times that created transformational results for her clients.

 Landed her first premium coaching client with total ease (the client came to her ready to work with her).

But more than all the monetary results, her life has been full of more joy, presence, playfulness, flow.

She’s able to not only make an impact on other corporate women's lives, but she shifted her relationship with her family - being able to spend more quality time with her husband and daughter enjoying the little moments with them.

Tatiana feels so much more fulfilled and in love with life.

What You Receive Inside Of Divinity:

18 Private 1:1 Sessions

Each month there are 3 private 50 minute 1:1 sessions with Minling. The sessions are attuned to what you energetically need to shift (a block or healing) or activate (encode or program). This is a co-creative process where we will uncover the root issue and Minling, with the guidance of her divine councils and soul family, will determine the energy healing that needs to take place.

These sessions are working in the quantum so they shift your field fast and are potent transmissions that can clear blocks you've had for years in a matter of minutes.

Multidimensional Gridwork

In between sessions, Minling, along with her divine councils and soul family, will be working in your energetic grid in the quantum field to support you to anchor the new codexes into your field.

What's App Coaching Access (M-F)

You'll have access to receive coaching from Minling via What's App in between sessions. This is where you can ask specific questions or receive additional support and healings.

Channeled Play Practices

The channeled play practices are downloaded by Minling during the session. These practices are given to you to help you integrate, anchor, and embody the new frequencies into your energetic field. Although optional for you to do, it's highly recommended to complete the practices so you can integrate the codexes more rapidly.

Bonus One:

Abundance Calibration

You'll receive the 3 part series to recalibrate you to your highest timeline of abundance. You'll have these recordings for life and you can re-watch these anytime.

(Value: $111)

Bonus Two:

Captivate Clients Training

You'll receive the Captivate Clients Training where you'll learn to channel coded content and how to attract your clients in the quantum field. You'll also learn how to shift from the old model of marketing in the 3D to the new model of marketing in the 5D.

(Value: $222)



Leadership, Legacy, and Liberation Mentor

How Catarina increased her revenues, launched her workshops, and sold her first $100k+ package by integrating the full spectrum of her gifts and brilliance!


Catarina had her successful Online Business Management (OBM) business with 6 and 7 figure clients.

But she was feeling like she wasn't expressing all of her gifts in her business.

On the side, she channeled light language, did sound healings, energy healing, and taught yoga.

However, she felt her business was disjointed with all her various passions.

She wanted to somehow incorporate ALL of her gifts into her offers and find a cohesive way to share her message in a way that would attract even more premium clients while expressing her soul.


Restructuring her business and offers to integrate the full spectrum of her gifts and passions in a cohesive way that made sense to her soul aligned clients

Upleveling the value of her packages where she was able to confidently increase her price to $8888 / month for her top tier service

Energetically aligning her to highest timeline of abundance and releasing blocks holding her back

Activating her true authentic expression and her essence in her messaging 

Deepening the value she provides for her clients, the legacy she's helping them create, and confidently owning her value


 Sold her first $100k+ package for her highest level done for you service + mastermind, Golden Amethyst with complete ease and zero objections.

 Launched her monthly group workshop membership that allowed her to share her passion for healing and gave her space to freely channel her gifts.  And upon launching, she sold out her first 2 workshops.

 Feels 100% in alignment with her messaging and is able to share ALL of her gifts under one cohesive message.

Now Catarina feels like the business fully represents who she is and what she does. She's able to share the value of her gifts with total confidence.

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